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‘We had an unusually large group this time  with around 70 guests from ten countries. It’s clear that there is plenty of interest in Hampidjan’s products and the trip was highly successful,’ said Haraldur Árnason, the company’s sales and marketing manager.

Staff from the design and fishing gear departments organised the three day session at the North Sea Centre’s flume tank in Hirtshals with a full programme of events. This trip took place recently and the flume tank session is a fixture on the Hampidjan calendar.

‘Guests were given the opportunity to see Hampidjan’s latest developments in fishing gear technology. More than a dozen fishing gear models were tested in the tank with rigging changes.

Many of the trawls attracted attention, not least the new blue whiting and mackerel pelagic gear and bottom trawls. A comparison between T90 and conventional diamond netting was examined, which was followed by a presentation of the results of research comparing the effectiveness of codends rigged on DynIce Quicklines. Tests were carried out to display nephrops trawls from the Skinney-Thinganes net loft in Höfn and groundfish trawls from Fjardanet in Akureyri,’ Haraldur Árnason said.

He commented that  among the guests this time were representatives of Hampidjan’s customers in Denmark, the Faroes, Sweden, Russia, Chile, Lithuania, the USA, Ireland and Greenland, as well as Icelandic companies.

Specialist staff from Thyborøn Trawldoor, Marport and Naust Marine were also on hand to provide information on the latest developments from those companies.