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The annual trip organized by Hampidjan Iceland to the flume tank in Hirtshals, Denmark, will take place from November 26-29. The tank trips have been very popular, as they provide participants with a unique opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience how different fishing gear, both bottom and pelagic trawls, behave in the water under real conditions. During these trips, participants can also give feedback and comments on the fishing gear, which is valuable for their further development. The main part of the program takes place in the flume tank, but there will also be informative presentations and visits to interesting companies related to the fishing industry.

The tank trips have been an annual event for decades. They bring together captains, mates, fishing fleet managers, fishing gear technicians, and other experts from the fishing industry from all over the world. Last year, over 70 people attended the event, coming from Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, and New Zealand.

Hampidjan’s trips to the tank in Hirtshals are known for their diverse program and networking opportunities, offering education during the day and good companionship in the evenings, where connections are strengthened and new ones are made. After their stay in Hirtshals, participants will head to Copenhagen, which at this time of year will be decorated for Christmas. There is an option to extend the stay over the weekend and explore the city with partners who would arrive in Copenhagen on Friday.

The trips to Hirtshals are a unique opportunity to:

Learn and be Educated: We offer a diverse program with presentations and visits to companies.
Build a Network: These trips are known for great companionship, where connections are strengthened and new ones are made.
Enjoy Entertainment and Relaxation: After the stay in Hirtshals, participants will head to Copenhagen, which is ideal for enjoying the Christmas atmosphere and exploring the city further with colleagues or partners.

We encourage those interested in fishing gear to participate in this informative and enjoyable trip to Hirtshals, where the latest advancements in fishing will be introduced.

For more information, please contact:
Einar P. Bjargmundsson, phone number +354 664 3360, email
Jónas Þór Friðriksson, phone number +354 664 3330, email